from 'A
Report to the Galactic Overlords on the Terran Cultural Practice of Depicting
Ever since homo
sapiens sprouted opposable thumbs some two million earth-years ago, and
thereby became able to use fine-motor tools and mix rudimentary pigments, they
have been tireless in their attempts to make representations of their sexual
organs and their quaintly varied methods of congress of said organs.
Image pixilated for discretion |
Some of the earliest daubs smeared on the walls of their
burrows reveal crude, primal attempts to render and represent what they might
easily notice if they simply looked down at themselves. Early stages of what we
might recognise as ‘developed civilisations’ saw a refinement of the aesthetics
of this practice, evident in an increasing sophistication in the skills and
materials of rendering; however this only served to encourage the practice
further. Even everyday dining and storage vessels in the early civilisations
known as ‘Greece’ and ‘Rome’ were often festooned with figures bearing (quite
without regard to the realities of physics or biomechanics) swollen, truncheon-like
phalloi and mammary glands the size
of our landing craft. Such artful exaggerations were not intended as lampoon,
but evidently intended to further increase the pleasure quotient of the shaved,
thumb-bearing apes that viewed them.
Objects in the mirror may be larger than they appear |
The helpful introduction of bodily shame by new cultural
influences from certain desert tribes did nothing to suppress this apparently
ingrained compulsion in the species to artificially represent 3 biological subjects and actions on 2-d surfaces. On the contrary,
what had by now become referred to as ‘pornography’ gained psychodynamic energy
from its very suppression, and sophisticated
practitioners successfully blurred its identification (and moral censure) by
conflating it with suggestive artistic nudes. Thus, when a male member of the
urban bourgeoisie was bested at cribbage or business, for example, he could
lift his gaze to his study wall, there to find in a rendering of an
ample-prowed washer-woman, say, or a clutch of cream-skinned shepherd youths,
confirmation that his functional masculinity was intact.
This is 'art' |
At their current stage of development, having mastered the
rendering capabilities of the electron and photon, the planetary electronic
library known as their ‘internet’ now groans under the specific gravity of
pornographic mass. At our last estimation there were only three remaining ‘websites’
that did not depict some manner of sexual content. Judging from the traffic and
uptake, no member of the species (of any age) able to afford ready access to
the ‘internet’ has not, at some point, sought to view such fleshy illusions. Some
simply cannot refrain from doing so. If any were to deny this, they would
probably be trying to save face in what remains of moral censure from their
fellow viewers and a God they no longer believe in.
History suggests they will find a way |
It is all very difficult to make sense of, especially within
the limits of this report. However, more worrying than the futility of gazing
at 2-d illusions to compensate for what their urges compel them to do in 3-d
actuality, is the overlooked fact that (thanks the verisimilitude of the new
medium) pornography now requires other humans to offer themselves as
objectified images—bared, splayed, often in a rictus of face-contortion—for
their entire world to gaze upon at their leisure. To turn themselves into
objects, in short. Worse, these hapless beings allow their objectified selves
to be packaged and traded as commodities for internet advertising revenue for
complete strangers.
Soylent Green is people |
One is left to wonder at the empathic disconnect in this
otherwise compassionate species, that they have become so bewildered by the
real-seeming quality of their own rendering technology, they lack the awareness
that the internet image they gaze upon had its origin with some young girl, or
boy, in a warehouse in an undesirable suburb of Los Angeles, in front of a
camera, having what was probably one of the worst days of their lives.
The mechanics of commodification |
Further study is required. Please forward hi-speed internet
apparatus to enable research.
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